Dr/Col. Philip (‘Tom’) Cobley MBE

Combat Command

Combat Command

This book is a detailed study into Countering the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Combat on Infantry Soldiers and as such it has been my life's-work.

First, during my 41 years (1969-2010) as an active duty infantry soldier and then during this last six years as I have endeavoured to unlock the secrets of how to better prepare our next generation of infantry soldiers for their own first shock of combat. The fact is that soldiers are our nation's most precious resource and this author would argue that our infantry soldiers are the most precious of all.

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The British Infantry
The Final Tally

The Final Tally

The story of a modern centurion: Tom Cobley's excellent and comprehensive account of his 40 years of service has much to tell the reader. His service took him from Australia and the Pacific Islands, to Britain and Northern Ireland, to the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, and places in between.

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